Behind the Ink

Behind the Ink: Jamila Rowser, Robyn Smith and Wash Day

Behind the Ink: Jamila Rowser, Robyn Smith and Wash Day

While there tends to be a premium placed on the concept of spontaneity, there can be such beauty in routine. For instance, varying hair care rituals for Black women can serve as moments of self care, self love, peace, even as a chance to re-center […]

Behind the Ink: Paloma Hernando and Sunmi of Dandelion Wine Collective

Behind the Ink: Paloma Hernando and Sunmi of Dandelion Wine Collective

If you’re ever looking for more comic book publishers who elevate diverse creators, please do not forget to check out Dandelion Wine Collective. Founded by creators Paloma Hernando and Sunmi, the small, Baltimore – based company is here to focus on inclusive artists with unique […]

Behind the Ink: Kevin Sorrell

Behind the Ink: Kevin Sorrell

Reading the Glyph Comics Award nominated Life and Times of Abigail Waller can feel like reading transcripts of conversations you’ve had with good friends, your mother, or certain co-workers. The webseries is a slice-of-life treat that tackles everything from dating to gun control via a […]

Behind the Ink: Kim Gaines and Grub Machine Comics

Behind the Ink: Kim Gaines and Grub Machine Comics

Kim Gaines is one of the passionate masterminds behind the new comics company, Grub Machine Comics. On October 31st, Grub Machine will premiere Eventide, a comic thriller about a group of teens poised to saved the world against war-mongering ghouls. Kim was kind enough to […]

Behind the Ink: Taneka Stotts and Genué Revuelta

Behind the Ink: Taneka Stotts and Genué Revuelta

When we discuss inclusion in comics, it’s helpful to remember two basic truths: 1.) speaking boldly is imperative for holding major publishers accountable, but also 2.) independent creators have been leading the charge and creating inclusive content for years. Take independent creators Taneka Stotts and Genué Revuelta […]